Crocs Going Frilly
Frilly spaghetti strap top, from Jo76, to go with the frilly green Crocs look:

Crocs Going Frilly, originally uploaded by Theresa Di Moan.
I was trying to make my Crocs look a little less clumsy and a little prettier with these frilly socks. Paired with a matching colour and not any less frilly top (see above) and with a pair of cropped jeans, these almost looked casually chic. Almost is the key word here. They were also not half bad as far a comfort goes...
My next trial look with Crocs will have to include full length pants. Cropped ones just don't help the clumsy look here and make them look bigger than they even are!
Labels: Crocs, Flowers, Frilly Socks, Green, Spaghetti Straps, Tops
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